Development of Isotropic lightsheet fluorescence lifetime imaging for 3D super-resolution 


  1. Together with associate partners at KCL- develop an isotropic resolution 3D imaging platform for fluorescence lifetime imaging (ISO-FLIM) to visualise fast molecular dynamics associated with cardiomyocyte function within live bioengineered human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) derived cardiomyocyte cultures-  acquire quantitative fluorescence imaging data from live stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes in 3D cultures with a massively parallel video-rate multifocal multiphoton system for fluorescence lifetime imaging employing a truly isotropic light-sheet modality.

  2. With this new imaging platform we will acquisition quantitative data on calcium, voltage, ATP metabolism and any other fast-changing dynamic process that directly affects neuronal activity, within live cells through simultaneous imaging of physiologically relevant volumes.

Host Academic Institution: Trinity College Dublin