Dinesh Beniwal


I, Dinesh Beniwal, hail from India and hold an Integrated Master's degree from the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar. My academic interests encompass linear and nonlinear optical physics, non-Hermitian physics (with a focus on Exceptional Points), photonics, Optical and fluorescence microscopy, and biophysics. During my integrated master's journey, I worked on various domains of physics. Specifically, I investigated the spatial characteristics of light in the presence of optical nonlinearities and optothermal effects for my Master's project under the supervision of Dr. Ritwick Das. Additionally, I studied higher-order Exceptional Points in optical microcavities under the guidance of Dr. Somnath Ghosh. My passion lies in unravelling the mysteries of light and its practical applications. My journey is marked by a commitment to bridging theoretical insights with real-world innovations, promising a bright future of scientific contributions.

Current Project

Develop an isotropic resolution 3D imaging platform for fluorescence lifetime imaging (ISO-FLIM) to visualise fast molecular dynamics associated with neuronal activity within live bioengineered human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) derived neural cultures- acquire quantitative fluorescence imaging data from live stem-cell derived neurons in 3D cultures with a massively parallel video-rate multifocal multiphoton system for fluorescence lifetime imaging employing a truly isotropic light-sheet modality.

With this new imaging platform we will acquisition quantitative data on calcium, voltage, ATP metabolism and any other fast-changing dynamic process that directly affects neuronal activity, within live cells through simultaneous imaging of physiologically relevant volumes.

Updates from the project will be updated soon…..


dinesh.beniwal@kcl.ac.uk    dineshbeniwal117@gmail.com

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